Thursday, June 24, 2010

When I started writing this blog, I had so many ideas of what I wanted it to be. Primarily, I wanted to record what I did on the "farm". I had so many dreams for what this summer would hold, and how I would finally get everything perfect. The first problem I encountered was breaking my camera. Then I got really sick, much sicker than I have been in a long time. Chores built up during the time I was sick, and I have been playing catch up every since (the truth is, I was playing catch up before I got sick). When I finally felt better, and was able to see some daylight at the end of the tunnel, the weather turned HOT! I am a southern girl by birth, and the heat seldom bothered me as a teen-ager and young adult. But I can't handle it now. So all the wonderfully impressive things I had planned to do, photograph and document on this site remain strangely a dream. Add to all this a descent into laziness, and it just isn't a pretty picture.

But hope springs eternal. My days are much less cluttered by outside activities, and I am making progress on my household chores. I still dream of canning lots of food this year, although some of it may be purchased at a local farmer's market rather than grown in my back yard. I still dream of painting my little room off the barn and having a mini-greenhouse in it. But I am starting to recognize that these are only dreams. Now don't misunderstand; dreams are important, and I believe that nothing of value is accomplished without a dream. But dreams can change. And if I keep my focus on my Lord, and love and enjoy my family and friends as I walk toward my dreams (goals), then my life will be a good one. And if I never arrive at what I had imagined, it will be alright.