Today is a normal day, not especially bad, not especially good. It's a Monday, so we began our week with our homeschool co-op. I have homeschooled for many years, and have belonged to a number of c0-ops. This one is a pretty decent one, as co-ops go, but I am getting tired of it. I guess we have so many things going on, and this is just one more thing to do. We'll finish the year (only 5 weeks to go), and I'm not sure what to do about next year.

At the co-op we gave away our guinea pig (O HAPPY DAY!!!!!!!!!!) It was only last spring and in a different co-op that we acquired this "pet". I'd never had one before, and it looked so cute. In fact, to begin with there were two, but one succumbed to who knows what relatively soon after we brought them home. They reminded me a dwarf bunnies that we had to give away when we moved away from Md. and I had always intended to get more for Rachel. I did not know that guinea pigs squeak. Alot. And their primary purpose is to eat and poop (I think this is the purpose of most animals). It didn't take long for the romance my younger kids had with the pig to sour, and I was left with a stinky cage and a pet no one wanted. But we don't dump our animals easily. I would complain about it, but I never would put up a flyer at the local grocery store - Guinea Pig - Free to a Good Home. So how did we find our pig's new home? Ben was in one of his classes and they were talking about pets when one of his class mates expressed her desire for one. He gave her our phone number, and within two days I had talked to the mom and arranged to bring it to them today. Eric was elated at the news, and frankly he told me that he didn't care what might come up today, someone had better have that pig at the co-op ready for pick-up. The only hitch is that Sara was really upset with us. She is another "Ellie May" when it comes to animals, and has a tender heart for them. I felt absolutely like a monster this morning while she cried. I might have given in and kept it, but Eric was strong for me, and I was able to give it away. Sara finally accepted that this was the best thing to do, but she won't "get over it" - anytime she has another disappointment with pets, this will be recalled and talked about. Before you are tempted to disagree with me, you just don't know her history with animals. But at least I have one less animal to worry about.
What is it about homeschoolers and animals anyway? We have two inside cats, one bird, one kinda indoor dog, two permanent outdoor cats with one that used to belong to us who drops by on occasion. We also have three outside dogs (at least two are up for adoption). As if that isn't enough, last Saturday I bought 12 chicks. Yes, twelve. Why twelve, when I only wanted six? Well, there is no way easy way to tell whether you have hens or roosters at such a young age, so I bought extra in case I picked up more than one rooster, and some may die before they reach egg laying age. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that I bought twelve roosters. But for now, we have high hopes of having at least six laying hens, and maybe more. And this is the year we buy goats for the back field. What is it about homeschoolers and animals anyway?
It was nice when I came home. Sara had stayed home today with Rebekah, and they had really cleaned up the house - even the rooms that had been "neglected" in our run up to Easter. It was really nice. Eric came home early today to work in the yard. He has it looking nice. He mowed all the yard, and mowed a walking path in the back field for me. I don't like to walk on the roads because we live on a back road and cars like to speed. I can't complain. Often I am tempted to drive over the speed limit myself back here. We have a long drive way, but I feel stupid walking up and down it enough times to amount to a exercise. So now I can walk out back where witnesses will be few. I don't know if I'll still want to walk there after we get the goats.
Ben had baseball practice today. Last year I took both kids to almost all their practices. This is the first practice I attended this year. Eric has been real good about getting home in time to take them. We love spring ball, but it does pretty much take precedence for just about three months. The season opens this week-end, and we will have no life other than ball and church for the next two months. I guess that's why I am tiring of the co-op. Just one more thing to do.
My life is a good one. Today was just another day, neither especially good, or especially bad. But it's my life, and even on the ordinary days, the "just another days" , I still wouldn't trade it for anyone else's.
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