As I begin this new journey into the world of blogging, I have to wonder about a few things. What do I write about? Who would want to read it? Why does it matter? And isn't it a little egotistical of me to think that anyone should care? But asking questions and pondering life is what I do best. I have a dry sense of humor that gets me in trouble all too often (people will think I'm serious when I'm being tongue in cheek). I am too much of a philosopher and too much of a "lecturer" - just ask my kids. I am not an efficient planner - or perhaps I fail to initiate my plans effectively - either way it is a serious shortcoming. I am certainly no one to pattern a life after, but I do have some interesting adventures and misfortunes in pursuit of my interests.
I have five children ranging in age from 11 to 25. I have 1 grand-baby, and am expecting my second grand-baby in October (incidentally my favorite month of the year). I am amazed at how fast time flies - it seems like just yesterday my friends and I were announcing our own pregnancies and planning nurseries, names, etc. Now it's grandchildren being announced, and I sit back and watch as nurseries and names are planned and discussed.
I am married to Eric, a wonderful and patient man who gives me enough rope to hang myself on most projects. He says he'd tell me what to do if he thought it would matter. He believes I'll do what I want to do, and I believe he is right. But I think I know his heart and try to keep my projects and plans in line with what he wants for his home and family.
The primary driving force of my life is my faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. I became a Christian almost 30 years ago. It was a time when I was deciding what path I would take in life, when God opened my eyes to the truth of the gospel, and gave me the faith to accept Jesus' payment for my sins. I have never regretted my decision to accept Christ as my Savior, and have grown to love and trust Him more as the years have passed.
The best habit I have developed through the years is a daily reading in the book of Proverbs. I have read a chapter a day (corresponding with the day's date) for over five years now, missing only a handful of days. At first it was very painful as I recognized so many foolish mistakes I had made through out the years, then it became preventive and instructive. Another good habit is to read through the Psalms in much the same way (5 Psalms a day; for example, today I would read Psalm 24, 54, 84, 114, 144). That takes you through Psalms in a month, and in it you see God's heart, and will recognize many of your own emotions in response to life's trials. You realize that you are not alone or unique in your emotions; that fears, uncertainties, hopes, desires, faith and joys are common responses to life. And that God is there through it all.
So there you have it, my first post on my new blog. I am technically challenged, so I will have to have my children help me figure out how to post pictures, etc., but at least we have a beginning.
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